VMOA 系列--真空防漏性能可靠 |
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该泵是一种离心泵,设计用于循环变压器油并与冷却设备连接。 具有两种尺寸 VMOA100和VMOA150可供选择。配置50或60赫兹的三相电机。可以选择从95到630伏不同的电机电压。 |
泵的部件 |
电机和泵的所有运动部件均完全被电机外壳和泵外壳包住,形成一个密封装置。泵叶轮直接安装在电机轴上。泵外壳(1)和电机外壳(5)用铸铁制造,并通过螺栓连接在一起。连接处用O型圈密封。定子(6)和线圈(8)直接安置在电机外壳里。支撑转子(7)及泵叶轮(3)的电机轴(9)由两个十字轴和滚珠轴承固定。滚珠轴承(4)带有缓冲弹簧,以防在转子静止而电机外壳发生震动时损坏轴承。 泵叶轮用轻合金制造,并且经过精细的机加工和平衡校验。泵的入口和出口连接法兰的尺寸是相同的。可选择ISO PN6, 10和ANSI 125标准的法兰孔。送货时法兰会被遮盖住以避免在储存和运输过程中水汽在泵里面聚集。使用的电机是符合IEC34-1标准的笼型感应电动机。4极或6极型号的绝缘等级为F。接线盒的防护等级是IP55,并为电缆接头提供一个螺丝孔。送货时用一个塑料塞子封住螺丝孔。在邻近电缆接入螺丝孔位置可以钻其他尺寸的孔。接线盒还设有一个外部的接地螺钉。 对电机和泵有从仅上底漆至完全上面漆的不同上漆方法供选择。泵内表面涂有耐油环氧树脂保护层。 |
Series VMOA – Vacuumproof and Leakproof |
Design Performance |
The pumps are of centrifugal type and are designed for circulating transformer oil in connection with cooling equipment. Two sizes VMOA 100 and VMOA 150 are available. They are provided with three-phase motors for 50 or 60 Hz. Motors can be selected for different voltage between 95 and 630V.
Pump Parts |
The motor and all moving parts in the pumps are completely enclosed with the motor and pump housing forming a sealed unit. The pump impeller is directly mounted on the motor shaft. The pump housing (1) and the motor housing (5) are manufactured of cast iron and joined together by bolts. The joint is sealed by an O-ring. The stator (6) and the winding (8) are directly mounted in the motor housing. The motor shaft (9) which supports the rotor (7) as well as the pump impeller (3) is suspended in ball bearings in two spiders. The ball bearings (4) have buffer springs in order to prevent damage, when the rotor is stationary and the motor housing is subjected to vibrations. The pump impeller is manufactured from light alloy and has been carefully machined and balanced. The connection flanges have same size on inlet and discharge side of the pump. Drilling according to ISO PN6, 10 and ANSI 125 are available. On delivery the flanges are covered in order to prevent moisture collecting in the pump during transport or storage. The motor used is a three phase cage induction according to IEC 34-1, insulation class F in four or six pole versions. The terminal box is splash proof IP55 and provided with a tapped hole for the cable glands. On delivery the hole is sealed by means of a plastic plug. Holes of other dimensions can be drilled adjacent to entry holes. The terminal box is provided with an earthing screw. The motor and pump can be supplied with different painting program from only primer to completely painted with top paint. Internally the pump is protected with an oil-resistant epoxy. |