BC系列气体继电器(方法兰,国标) |
产品描述 |
瓦斯继电器是对于配有储油柜绝缘液冷变压器、接地电抗器,以及对于充油通路分离监控或导线接线盒进行保护和监控的重要设备。 它安装在被保护设备的冷却循环系统中,对如气体的生成、绝缘液的流失和绝缘液中过高涌流等障碍做出反应。 瓦斯继电器有很多种型号,不仅有规格化标准型型号,而且还有按照客户特殊要求生产的型号。被保护设备的额定功率与装配形式决定应当使用哪一型号的瓦斯继电器。我们产品种类的多样性使得最佳匹配成为可能。 EMB公司瓦斯继电器符合《德国工业标准》,《欧洲标准》50216-2,它首先通过操作简单,高度可靠和坚久耐用展示其优势。 管道公称内径: 50 毫米 (2"), 80 毫米 (3") 连接方式: 方法兰 |
选定的技术参数: |
电压: 交流/直流12 伏至最大250 伏电流: 交流/直流0.01 安至最大2安 在如下情况下开关系统启动: 磁性控制挡板 配置四个磁触点式干簧管的瓦斯继电器 (选项详见产品目录) |
BC Series Buchholz relay(Square flange, Chinese standard) |
The Buchholz relay is an important protection and monitoring device for insulating liquid filled-transformers with conservators and choke coils. It also allows separate monitoring of oil-filled bushings or cable terminal boxes. It is mounted in the cooling cycle of the appliance to be protected and responds to faults such as gas generation, loss of insulating liquid and excessively high flow rates of the latter. Buchholz relays are available in a number of types which comply with norms and standards and meet special customer requirements. The type of relay to be used depends on the nominal rating and construction features of the appliance to be protected. Our range of products permits optimum flexibility. EMB Buchholz relays comply with DIN EN 50216-2 and are known for their easy operation, high reliability and extremely long life. Pipe diameter DN: 50 mm (2"), 80 mm (3") Type of connection: Square flange |
Selected technical data: |
Voltage: AC/DC 12 V to max. 250 V Response of the switching system in the case of: Switching element: magnet contact tube Contact setting of the switching system: normally-open contact, normally-closed contact, change-over contact Buchholz relay equipped with up to four magnet contact tubes (see catalogue for switching design options) |