In the event of rapid Ioss of oil from a Iarge power transformer for whatever reason it is necessary to have an automatic operating valve that prevents the conservator from draining. COMEM SpA developed and perfectioned the RDR-MK II Shutter Valve for this purpose. Now after many hundreds of installations, this valve is considered an essential safety device by many major transmission and distribution authorities such as Electricité de France (EDF). The shutter valve is fitted close to the Buchholz Relay in the feed pipe between the transformer tank and its conservator. It is caused to operate by the dynamic thrust exerted by the liquid flowing through it when that flow rate exceeds a predetermined limit. Below that limit the valve remains open to allow the normal flow caused by thermal expansion and contraction. COMEM RDR MK II Shutter Valve has the added facility of the trigger or limit point being adjustable by the user according to the transformer hydraulics or local peculiarities. |