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  • 商品名称: T&Q系列压力释放阀



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Comem "T"系列压力释放阀主要适用于油箱内的压力控制,应用于意外事故下瞬时不可控制的压力增量可造成油箱爆裂的风险场合。当油箱内部压力因事故急剧升高时,压力释放阀将在极短的时间内(数千分之一秒)及时释放内部的压力。
此类产品广泛应用于油浸冷却式电力变压器金属油箱上,当变压器内部发生突发性短路时,往往在油箱内瞬时产生大量的气体并导致内部压力的急剧升高,如不能在短时间内快速释放内部压力,变压器将有爆炸的危险且可能造成人员及财产的伤害或损失。 这种风险可以通过配备一个或多个与变压器内部油量匹配的压力释放阀进行有效的预防。在内压值不容许超过安全极限的各种油箱上安装此类压力释放阀是一种良好并稳妥的措施方法。
当内压力继续增大并升高到设定的开启压力值时,阀体将迅速完全开启并向外释放过剩的压力。当压力释放并降到阀体的关闭压力值时,顶盘将通过内部弹簧牵引回位从而使压力释放阀迅速可靠关闭。顶盘在向下移动过程中,将先通过阀体内部的侧向垫圈取得密封,再压紧在上垫圈表面。 由

Pressure Relief Device - T Series(50T,80T,125T,200T)

COMEM "T" valves are used to control pressures inside tanks. They are used where accidental, instantaneous and uncontrolled increases in pressure may create the danger of explosion.
They are designed to discharge the pressure increases that have taken place to the exterior in a very short time period (a few thousandths of a second). They are widely used in the metal tanks of oil-cooled electric transformers. Sudden and violent short circuits inside these tanks, in fact, instantly generate an enormous amount of gas with a great increase in interior pressures.
If the pressure cannot discharge to the exterior there is danger that the transformer may explode, with all the possible harm and damages this may cause. This danger can be prevented by installing one or more valves with discharge sizes proportional to the volume of oil contained in the transformer. It is always good practice to install these valves in all situations where internal pressure values must not exceed specific safety limits.
Our valves are totally protected against external corrosion and against penetration of foreign bodies between cover and protective cap. This ensures perfect operating efficiency even for extended periods of time.
These consist of a flanged body and a corrosion-proof aluminium alloy disk. A brass rod that holds the spring is applied to the central part of the disk. There are two gaskets in the valve: a special shaped upper gasket and a lip seal. When the valve is closed the upper gasket is pressed
When the valve is closed the upper gasket is pressed against the disk. The shape of the gasket permits a perfect seal even if the disk lifts 1-2 mm. The disk also makes a seal against the lip seal gasket as it moves upwards. If, due to interior pressure, the disk rises beyond this amount then the upper seal is no longer maintained while the lip seal remains. At this instant the surface of the washer invested by internal pressure is multiplied in area as is the total force applied on the spring.
This causes total and instantaneous opening of the valve which consequently discharges excess pressures to the exterior.
When pressure has been discharged the disk, pushed back by the spring, lowers down and closes the valve. As the disk moves downwards it first closes against the side gasket and then against the upper gasket.
This latter gasket, because of its special shape, is pressed down 1-2 mm. and the disk moves further down, breaking the seal on the lip seal gasket. This releases any pressure that may have been trapped between the two gaskets. Now the valve is ready to intervene again.